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Green Ideas 2014
Third Price
Partners Albania
'Castle2Castle', eco-tourism through cycling tours

A-FestRozafa International Film Festival
Best Animation by Children
May 2018
'Lumi - River', produced by GO2

Philanthropy for Green Ideas 2014
Third Price
Rockfeller Brothers Fund
'Castle2Castle', eco-tourism through cycling tours

Representative from Albania at ‘Clean Technologies’ Course 25 participants from across World. Mashav and the Weitz Center organize these courses supported by UNIDO.
Feb-Mar 2014
Apr-May 2018

First representative from Albania at YTILI through 48 participants from across Europe. The 2016 Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI) is an international exchange program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and implemented by Meridian International Center.
June 2016

GO2, as Entrepreneur Representative of Albania by 700 participants through all over the world at 7th ANNUAL GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR SUMMIT 2016, in Silicon Valley California, USA. President Obama highlights his commitment to building bridges that help us tackle global challenges together.
June 22-24, 2016